Tommy takes the reins this week! He, Mike and Kevin welcome on Harmony Colangeo to take a break from Game Changers and talk about the original trilogy. They talk about the Mighty Ducks’ themed bars, Gordon Bombay’s legacy at the flawed father figure, the trilogy’s role in the 90s sports boom and its ushering in of participation trophy era.
Executive producers: Elsie Barnett, Bryan Berg, Alex Ybarra, Josh Luecht, Bobby Lemaire, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Aaron Davis, Ed Scimia, Alex Vlahos, Joyce Eng.
Producers: Deborah Chen, Jeremiah Bersche, Adam Ferry, Jarrod Beasley, Lisa Wobig, Anthony Gioffre, Jeff Fantus, Matt Holtwick, Stevie Yanks, J.D. Youngblood, Chris Garland, Sarah Mihalopoulos, Dave Dang, Wayne Perkins.
You too can become a producer of the show!
Show Notes
Thanks to Harmony for coming. You can follow her on Twitter at @Veloci_trap_tor. This Ends at Prom is available wherever you listen to podcasts. You can listen to their Sadie Hawkins episodes on Patreon.
Shaolin Soccer has a 7.3(!) on IMDB and a 90% (!!!) on Rotten Tomatoes.
We recommend Cobra Kai, by the way.
The Trinidad team and their uniforms:

Here is the sweet Heavyweights poster Harmony had:

Thanks to CakeEater92 for the #QuackQuestion:

Here is Harmony’s article on Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island.