Kevin Nicholas replaces our usual Kevin and joins Mike and Tommy to talk about Mighty Ducks: Game Changers Season 2. We talk about Kevin’s journey from background actor to “Paul” and what it was like to get that Disney contract. He also talks about being a PA the horrors of grabbing the wrong La Croix flavor.
Show notes and highlights from Kevin Nicholas’ appearance
Thanks to Kevin for coming on. Follow him on Instagram: @kevin.nicholas98.
Kevin was a part of a background actor casting company and was called to go there at the beginning to fill up the EPIC Camp. Then he kept getting called back. What was supposed to be a few days of casting ended up lasting the entire season.
“My friends and I joked I kind of climbed the totem pole,” Nicholas said. “I was background, PA, cast. And cast was the final thing.”
On being a PA
Kevin just asked if he could be a PA and they let him do it for a while. It did come down reading people’s minds a little bit.
One day a producer wanted a La Croix.
“They were like, ‘Kev did you get his La Croix?'” Nicholas said. “I was like…what La Croix? … Then I went to go get it and I brought it back and they were like, ‘Oh this isn’t the flavor they want.’
“It definitely had a lot of stress but it did have its rewards.”
Kevin Nicholas on being in his 20s but playing a teenager
“They would always joke about it,” Kevin Nicholas said. “They would always be like, ‘let’s get Grandpa his medicine.’ I’d be like, ‘Oh my god, I’m like, I’m really the old one here. And it was definitely was like a little bit of like, a weird shift to like, having to like play like 15-16. I was like, what was I doing when I was 15-16? It’s just so different.”
On Tiktoks
Kevin talked about watching Sway Bhatia shoot a ton of her Tiktoks. We talked with Bhatia back in November and she talked about some of those Tiktoks, especially with the Anaheim Ducks players..
Kevin Nicholas on his big moment as Paul

“It was just like so weird like going from background to signing a full blown Disney contract in my email with like my name, the rate and the days I’m shooting, the character,” Nicholas said. “The script was attached. I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ Full circle moment. And it’s like being an actor in LA this is like that overnight success you kind of dream of.”
On why he wants to never hear Landslide again
“That day was so long,” Nicholas said. “By the end of the day, everyone was like, ‘I a hate Landslide.’ Just hearing the track play for 14 hours, I was like, I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know if this is my favorite song anymore.”
On seeing himself have his big scene

Executive producers: Elsie Barnett, Bryan Berg, Alex Ybarra, Josh Luecht, Bobby Lemaire, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Aaron Davis, Ed Scimia, Alex Vlahos, Joyce Eng, Matt Holtwick, Nurul Azam and Alexander Gray.
Producers: Deborah Chen, Jeremiah Bersche, Adam Ferry, Jarrod Beasley, Lisa Wobig, Anthony Gioffre, Jeff Fantus, Stevie Yanks, J.D. Youngblood, Chris Garland, Sarah Mihalopoulos, Dave Dang, Wayne Perkins, Matt Hoover, Joshua Pellowski, Uche Egbuchulam and Mary Yang.
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