Mike goes without Tommy and Kevin to react to the most recent Mighty Ducks: Game Changers poster. After, Vishnu and John come on for the return of the Mighty Ducks trivia extravaganza. With 30 seconds to narrow it down, who can name the most Mighty Ducks characters?
Executive producers: Elsie Barnett, Bryan Berg, Alex Ybarra, Josh Luecht, Bobby Lemaire, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Aaron Davis, Ed Scimia, Alex Vlahos, Joyce Eng, Matt Holtwick, and Nurul Azam.
Producers: Deborah Chen, Jeremiah Bersche, Adam Ferry, Jarrod Beasley, Lisa Wobig, Anthony Gioffre, Jeff Fantus, Stevie Yanks, J.D. Youngblood, Chris Garland, Sarah Mihalopoulos, Dave Dang, Wayne Perkins, Matt Hoover, and Joshua Pellowski.
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Show Notes
Here is the Mighty Ducks: Game Changers Season 2 poster

Thanks to @VishnuSingh123 and @HighwayHodge.
Here’s where the current bracket stands.
Here are all the characters that were guessed on:
Rick Riley
Dan Ducksworth
Jack Reilly
Danielle Samitar
John H.
Gordon’s Father
Amara Bhatt (Sofi’s mom)
Sherri Andrews (Nick’s mom)
Winnie Berigan
Terry (Mary Jo’s dad)
I guess Rick Riley’s hair is black?