(Editor’s note: Tommy’s audio was a little wonky for the first few minutes. It gets better.)
Mike and Tommy — Kevin is licking his wounds from a Vegas trip — sit down to review Episode 9 of Season 2 of Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, entitled “Summer Breezers.” This one is bound to be controversial, but will it also be looked back upon as one of the best episodes of the series? There is a lot to discuss from the progression of a number of relationships to a great moment right at the end of the episode.
Executive producers: Elsie Barnett, Bryan Berg, Alex Ybarra, Josh Luecht, Bobby Lemaire, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Aaron Davis, Ed Scimia, Alex Vlahos, Joyce Eng, Matt Holtwick, and Nurul Azam.
Producers: Deborah Chen, Jeremiah Bersche, Adam Ferry, Jarrod Beasley, Lisa Wobig, Anthony Gioffre, Jeff Fantus, Stevie Yanks, J.D. Youngblood, Chris Garland, Sarah Mihalopoulos, Dave Dang, Wayne Perkins, Matt Hoover, Joshua Pellowski, and Uche Egbuchulam.
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Show Notes
Sam did eventually put his arm around Gertie at the campfire, but there is an earlier scene in which it appears he’s about to and they cut it out. Half credit to Tommy on this one:

Tommy: AJ Lawrence
Mike: AJ Lawrence
Tommy: Sam
Mike: Cole
Tommy: “Let’s hear it for blood and tears.” — Marni
Mike: “I have a routine and I begged you to use my toner.” — AJ Lawrence