Mike, Tommy, and guest judge Matt Doherty open the trivia quarterfinals with two matchups. The Lincoln/Douglas-style debate format features two questions: Was putting Julie “The Cat” in to face the final shooter a smart coaching move? And, Would Gordon Bombay have made the NHL had he not gotten injured?
Head to mattdoherty.net to check out all of Matt’s work.
Also buy Dignity, Matt’s EP.
Finally, you can get a personalized message from him via Cameo for $20.
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Show Notes
Thanks to Danny and Ty for really setting the tone for this second round and getting it off to a roaring start.
Their topic:
Putting the Julie “The Cat” Gaffney in cold to face the last shooter in the Junior Goodwill Games was a good coaching move.

A special duck call to Evan L. for suggesting this topic on Facebook.
Thanks to @natebrowntown a.k.a. Narf Blastoff and @HerseyWithA_B a.k.a. Jeremiah for the second matchup and for keeping everything rolling.
Their topic:
Gordon Bombay would’ve made the NHL had he not gotten injured.

A special duck call to John C. for suggesting that topic on Facebook.
Here is Nate’s pinned Tweet:
#NewProfilePic pic.twitter.com/g5MvLag6Dq
— Narf Blastoff (@NateBrowntown) February 19, 2019