Mike, Tommy, and Kevin are finally back together. After getting reacquainted with Kevin, the trio traces Shaun Weiss’ journey, from the Mighty Ducks and stardom to his drug problem and legal troubles to his incredible journey back to acting in movies. Then, on a completely different note, Aaron and Dafne face off in trivia.
Executive producers: Elsie Barnett, Bryan Berg, Alex Ybarra, Josh Luecht, Bobby Lemaire, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, Aaron Davis, Ed Scimia, Alex Vlahos, Joyce Eng, Matt Holtwick, and Nurul Azam.
Producers: Deborah Chen, Jeremiah Bersche, Adam Ferry, Jarrod Beasley, Lisa Wobig, Anthony Gioffre, Jeff Fantus, Stevie Yanks, J.D. Youngblood, Chris Garland, Sarah Mihalopoulos, Dave Dang, Wayne Perkins, and Matt Hoover.
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Show Notes
Here are our two episodes with Shaun: Episode 53 and Episode 62.
This is Shaun’s Instagram.
This is Shaun’s Weiss’ transition photo, which he posted in January of this year.

Here is the podcast episode that Shaun Weiss appeared: “Friend of Jerry: Episode 11”
Here is the recent timeline again:
2008: Shaun is in Drillbit Taylor, credited as “Bus Driver”
2008-2016: He does some shorts and internet series, is doing some standup comedy
2017: He is arrested for stealing $151 from a Fry’s Electronics. He is sentenced to 150 days in jail. He ended up serving 12 days in jail due to overcrowding. Five days after Shaun left jail, police arrested him again and charged him with possession of methamphetamine.
2018: He has more run-ins with the law, ends up going to rehab, but it doesn’t stick.
2020: Law enforcements arrest for him being under the influence of methamphetamine and residential burglary. Police find Shaun looking through a car in a garage that wasn’t his. At that point, his friend Drew Gallagher starts reaching out to media outlets. Gallagher starts telling Shaun’s story and raising money. He ends up raising more than $16,000.
Weiss also receives an offer and begins a two-year process to have new teeth put in.
2021: Weiss graduates from drug court. As a result, the court dismisses his burglary case being dismissed.
2022: Shaun finishes having his teeth replaced, and lands his first acting gig since Drillbit Taylor, playing a strung-out Vietnam vet who eventually gets help in the Jesus Revolution.
Here is Shaun in Jesus Revolution:
Thanks to Aaron and Dafne for working with me and getting the trivia contest in.
This is a Kelpie. They look majestic.
The trivia questions asked:
What material is Lauren’s cape made out of? Whispersilk
2. What organ does Sam say he’s missing when the Don’t Bothers play the trust game during the first practice? Spleen
3. What does Alex call her trick that has them all blindfold themselves? Feel Hockey
4. What company’s truck is parked outside the Ducks arena when the Ducks go to steal equipment? Menses & Co Dry Cleaning
5. In the final period, which Don’t Bother wore Connie Moreau’s District 5 jersey? Lauren
6. What instrument does Sofi’s brother play? French Horn
7. How many episodes does the wraparound have? 400 episodes
8. Who does Sofi go to the State’s party dance with? Trevor
9. What was the name of the Gala that the Ducks held for their 25th anniversary? The Spirit of the Ducks